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Summer Kitchen Project Launch

Our Milton Keynes team have launched a brand new campaign to encourage children to grow and cook with their own fruit and vegetables.

May 10 2018 - 4 min read

We’re encouraging children to grow and cook with their own fruit and vegetables.

Together with Orange Grove, our Milton Keynes team have launched a brand new campaign to encourage children to grow and cook with their own fruit and vegetables.

The Summer Kitchen Project offers foster children and school children a free learning experience, which aims to show them how easy it is to grow fresh produce and cook their own healthy food.

The campaign was officially launched on Saturday by Cllr Martin Petchley and Siobhan Harper, Business Development Director at Wavendon Gate, in Milton Keynes.

Children painted their strawberry pots and planted them while selecting fruit to make their own smoothies. They played games where they had to guess what vegetables were in the box along with potato and spoon racing.

The Summer Kitchen Project aims to encourage children to try new healthy foods, as well as highlight the importance of sitting down together at mealtimes whenever possible, even if it’s just a handful of times each week.

We believe that children are more likely to try new foods if they’ve grown it themselves and enjoyed it – helping them to eat healthily and regularly reach their five a day.

The Mayor said: “It was a great pleasure and privilege to be at the event and to meet the wonderful people who are doing great things for the children.”

We’ll also be hosting fun, interactive workshops throughout the summer on Thursday 26th July and 16th August from 10 am-2 pm to show children how to grow fruit and vegetables and how to use their produce in fun, child-friendly recipes.

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